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What is Self-Neglect and Should You Be Worried?

The National Adult Protective Services Association says self-neglect is a condition where a person fails to provide his or her own care. Self-neglect happens when a person’s mental or physical abilities decline. As an example, a senior male is making sure his dog is fed three times a day, but he has no groceries of his own in the house.

Self-neglect is considered to be a form of elder abuse. In a survey of elder care managers, 9 out of 10 say self-neglect while aging is a problem in their area. Could your parents be neglecting their own care?

Elder Care Long Island NY – What is Self-Neglect and Should You Be Worried?

Signs of Self-Neglect

One of the first signs of self-neglect is nail care. Check your mom and dad’s feet, are their nails trimmed or are they so grown out that they’re curling back into their skin? Going days or weeks without a shower is also a sign of self-neglect.

Do your parents take their prescribed medications every day? Do they follow the doctor’s recommendations on when and how to take the medications? Are they sticking to a diet plan suggested by their doctor or a dietitian? Failure to take the proper steps to care for a chronic condition or general health are signs that an issue is present.

Are your parents’ bills paid on time? If not, is there a valid reason for something not getting paid? If your dad hasn’t paid his credit card because he’s disputing a charge, it’s not a concern. If he hasn’t paid his electricity bill in months and his power is about to get disconnected, it’s a sign of self-neglect.

How clean is your parents’ house? If there is pet waste sitting in a corner of the room or mice droppings all over the kitchen, there’s a serious issue. If your parents are letting clutter build up and get defensive if you try to recycle newspapers, there could be an issue with hoarding.

How well are your parents eating? If your mom has been eating nothing other than yogurts and frozen pizzas for months, malnutrition is a concern. You should check the cupboards, fridge, and freezer to see what food is on hand. If it’s expired and not beneficial in terms of nutrition, it’s time to bring in help.

How Elder Care Services Can Help

Elder care services are an important step in preventing self-neglect. Caregivers can cook meals after shopping for groceries. They can clean the house and do the laundry. Elder care aides can help with bathing and grooming, toileting, medication reminders, and household management. Call our agency to learn more.


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