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The Best Musical Artists to Get Your Mom Moving While She Cleans

Your mom doesn’t like to exercise, but her doctor said it’s important. You can get her to walk if someone goes with her. What happens around the house?

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Home Care Brooklyn NY – The Best Musical Artists to Get Your Mom Moving While She Cleans

She could get exercise while cleaning if she embraces the chores with energy and enthusiasm. To do that, there are certain artists whose music is likely to get your mom moving. Music also helps make cleaning less tedious, so she will find herself having fun while she cleans, dances, and sings along.

The Beatles

Many of the Beatles songs are ideal cleaning songs. “Back in the USSR,” “I Saw Her Standing There,” and “Twist and Shout” are some of the songs to start with. From time to time, a slower song might play, but she may appreciate the breaks between her dancing and cleaning sessions.


If your mom was an Elvis fan, many of his faster songs are ideal for cleaning. “Hound Dog” and “Jailhouse Rock” are among them. She’ll be bopping along to the beat and possibly singing along too.


Songs like “Somebody to Love” and “Another One Bites the Dust” have a strong beat that’s ideal for movement. Put Queen on your streaming device or play one of their CD’s or albums and see what happens. Your mom will likely move around to the beat while she cleans.


Shakira’s been belly dancing since childhood and her music shows it. The rhythms and beats in many of her songs inspire movement. It’s hard to listen to a song like “Whatever, Whenever” and not want to move your feet. Put on Shakira while your mom vacuums or mops the floor and see what happens. As long as she feels encouraged to move around to the music, she’ll get more of a workout while she cleans.

Donna Summer

One of the queens of Disco, Donna Summer’s songs have strong beats and are perfect for dancing as you clean. Your mom will enjoy moving to the beat of songs like “Hot Stuff” and “She Works Hard for the Money.”

Does your mom need someone to keep inspiring her to follow her new fitness program? Look at companionship services offered as part of a home care program. Your mom can have caregivers around to cheer her on while she exercises or join her for walks.

Home care is arranged to meet your mom’s needs. If she needs a daily visit from a caregiver, that’s possible. If she’d rather have caregivers once or twice a week, that’s also fine. Call our home care agency to make the arrangements for companionship services.

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