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In-Home Care: Tips for Preventing Wrinkles

Many people despise wrinkles. In fact, one of the reasons so many people dread getting old is because of how aging will make them look. They are mostly thinking about wrinkles on their face. Is your elderly loved one in their early senior years? Maybe, they don’t have many wrinkles yet. If this is the case and they want to prevent wrinkles, here are some tips for you, your senior and their in-home care aides that might work for this.

No Smoking

Woman sat on a sofa

In-Home Care Syracuse NY – In-Home Care: Tips for Preventing Wrinkles

Many people think instantly of lung cancer when talking about cigarettes and smoking. While cigarettes are bad for the lungs, they also cause damage to other parts of the body. Research shows that smoking is bad for the skin. Nicotine speeds up aging and can cause wrinkles. Is your elderly loved one currently a smoker? If so, they should find ways to quit smoking. They can start by weaning themselves off. You or an in-home care provider could take them to see a doctor, as well. Doctors can prescribe cessation products that help people to quit smoking.

Increasing Antioxidant Intake with In-Home Care Guidance

Research shows that antioxidants are great for the skin. They can help to prevent wrinkles and other skin damage. They help to keep the skin healthy and glowing. If your elderly loved one isn’t getting enough antioxidants in their diet, there are some foods that you or an in-home care provider can add to their meals or snacks that will help with this. Some of these foods include:

  • Prunes
  • Artichokes
  • Berries
  • Red kidney beans
  • Granny smith apples
  • Pecans
  • Cherries
  • Plums
  • Oily fish

If you can help to ensure your elderly loved one eats these things regularly, they shouldn’t have to worry about not getting enough antioxidants in their diet. In all reality, the food that people eat majorly affects their skin health. It is also important to note that if your elderly loved one is eating a lot of carbohydrates or sodium-filled foods, they should cut down on those, too, as those foods can worsen skin health.

Stress Less

Does your elderly loved one stress about a lot of things? Maybe, you notice they always seem to have a scowl on their face or they don’t smile a lot. If this is the case, it could cause wrinkles to form earlier than they would if your elderly loved one was less stressed. The reason for this is the tension on the skin from frowns or scowls. How can this be fixed? You and in-home care providers should try making your elderly loved one laugh often. You can also help them find solutions to their worries.

These are some of the best tips for preventing wrinkles. While everyone will likely end up with wrinkles at some point in their elderly years, these tips can help to hold them off for a bit longer.

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