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What Can Seniors with Dementia Do for Exercise?

Experts say that all adults should strive to engage in at least 150 minutes of exercise per week. That’s 30 minutes per day on 5 days of the week. While you may think exercise isn’t necessary for an older adult with dementia, it truly is. Exercising can help to relieve boredom and stress, improve overall physical health, and even reduce some of the challenging behaviors that often come with dementia.Elder Care Bronx NY – What Can Seniors with Dementia Do for Exercise?

The question for many family caregivers is what kinds of exercise are appropriate for a senior with dementia. The answer lies in the abilities and interests of the individual. You’ll want to choose something that your older family member will enjoy, but also something they can do safely given their cognitive abilities.

Below are some exercise suggestions to try with your aging relative.


Walking is perhaps one of the best forms of exercise an older adult can do. It’s free and it helps to maintain the muscles needed for mobility. Your aging relative can walk around the neighborhood with an escort to make certain they don’t get lost. They could also simply walk around the yard or in the house. To make walking seem less like exercise, consider walking with the older adult to run errands, like going to the post office or the grocery store.

Chair Exercises

An older adult with limited mobility or balance problems can exercise while sitting in a chair. Some things they can do are:

  • Raising the arms over the head.
  • Marching in place.
  • Twisting the upper body from side to side.
  • Arm circles.


Seniors who enjoy dancing might like taking a dance class or even just dancing around the living room. Even if the older adult is confined to a wheelchair, they can still dance by moving the upper body in time with the music.

Yoga or Tai Chi

Yoga and tai chi are two gentle forms of exercise that help to strengthen muscles and improve balance. The older adult can attend classes, use exercise DVDs, or stream videos online to exercise with.

An elder care provider can help your loved one with dementia to exercise throughout the week. Elder care providers can go for walks with the senior. An elder care provider can also drive the older adult to an exercise facility to enjoy a class designed for seniors. If your older family member prefers to exercise at home using a video or a stationary bicycle, an elder care provider can supervise to make certain they don’t injure themselves.


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