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Why Is Vitamin C So Essential for Elderly Adults?

There are many vitamins that are important when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. One of them that is particularly important for elderly adults is Vitamin C. This is a vitamin that helps to maintain and improve heart health, skin health, immune health, and much more. It helps elderly adults stay in good shape physically, as well. Knowing more about this vitamin and its benefits can help you, as a family caregiver and their home care provider, to make sure your elderly loved one is getting enough of this vitamin in their diet.

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Home Care Buffalo NY – Why Is Vitamin C So Essential for Elderly Adults?

Better Immune Health

One of the ways that Vitamin C can benefit your elderly loved one is by maintaining and improve their immune health. As people get older, their immune system will begin to weaken. When this happens, it will increase the risk that your elderly loved one will develop health conditions such as colds, the flu, and pneumonia. If you or their home care provider make sure they are getting enough Vitamin C, this could improve the production of their white blood cells, which helps to fight off these infections. If your elderly loved one is already sick, getting enough Vitamin C in their daily diet can help them to feel better much quicker.

Lowering Oxidative Stress

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It helps to protect your elderly loved one’s white blood cells and stops or slows down the damage to their body. If your elderly loved one isn’t getting enough Vitamin C in their diet, it could cause oxidative stress. This happens when free radicals, along with other damaging molecules harm the white blood cells. Oxidative stress can speed up the process of aging causing clogged arteries, wrinkles, and numerous other health conditions. If you make sure your elderly loved one gets enough Vitamin C in their diet, this could help to prevent all these health issues.

Better Heart Health

Vitamin C can also help your elderly loved one to have better heart health. If your elderly loved one has enough Vitamin C in their diet, this can help to reduce their blood pressure. It can also encourage healthier blood flow throughout the body. This means that the blood flow to the heart will be much more efficient, leading to fewer heart health issues.

More Absorption of Iron

Vitamin C also helps the body to better absorb iron. This means that your elderly loved one would have a lower risk of becoming anemic or developing many other health issues. Iron is also important for making sure your elderly loved one’s bones stay strong.

If you are going to be caring for your elderly loved one, it is important to make sure they are getting the vitamins they need. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins elderly adults need.


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