Arthritis involves swelling and pain in the affected joints. In severe cases, your senior may also experience redness and heat in those joints. Arthritis can limit your senior’s ability to do even simple things, which can affect her emotionally as well as physically. Finding ways to help your elderly family member to cope with these challenges in the best way possible is important, which is why senior care services are a good solution.
Chores and Household Tasks
Daily tasks can become so much more difficult for someone with arthritis. If that describes your elderly family member, it’s entirely possible that tasks that she used to be able to handle easily are far more of a challenge now. She might even wear herself out trying to handle those tasks herself. By having senior care providers handling those daily chores for her, she’s able to free up time and energy, and even rest when she needs to.
Eating Healthy Meals
Nutritious and filling meals help to keep your senior strong and healthy. But it might be difficult for her to keep up with all of the tasks involved in cooking and eating healthfully if her arthritis is a constant problem. Senior care providers can make sure that she’s eating homecooked meals that are heavy on the nutrition as well as tasty.
Transportation Assistance from Senior Care Aides
Many people with severe arthritis find that driving becomes too challenging. It might also be extremely difficult for your elderly family member to handle errands and appointments on her own. Having someone with her that she can trust who can take over the driving and who can ensure that she’s safe is important.
Managing Pain through Home Remedies
Arthritis can significantly affect your senior’s range of motion as well as cause extreme pain. When that happens, it helps to have a toolkit of home remedies that might be helpful. Soaking in a warm tub, alternating heat and ice, and sticking with a simple exercise plan are all excellent ideas for that toolkit. Senior care providers can help your elderly family member to put those solutions into play when they’re needed most.
Arthritis isn’t a health condition that you can completely do away with for your senior, but you can do a lot to ensure that she has assistance and tools that she needs in order to have the best quality of life possible. With the help of senior care providers, your elderly family member may be able to achieve more of her long-term goals.
Excerpt: Senior care providers might make a tremendous difference for your senior if she battles arthritis.